What You’ll Find Here

Baby crawling on floor by picture books

Engaging Books

Discover the best in children’s books and explore book collections curated with specific topics & themes in mind.

Picture book open next to cardboard train with colorful wheels and photographs in it

Play Inspiration

Get ideas for engaging your littles in meaningful (and FUN!) opportunities for play, many involving books.

Four kids' books next to a Jane Goodall doll

Learning Products

Find a variety of products that enhance your family’s lifestyle of learning, including toys, apps, and more.

Elizabeth sitting and smiling in front of rainbow bookshelf holding up two picture books

Meet Elizabeth

I’ve been book crazy for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I’d make weekly library trips with my dad and come home with bags upon bags of library books in tow. I’ve grown older, but my love of children’s books (kid lit) has remained the same.

I am now an elementary teacher and mom to an inquisitive toddler. The book love is strong in our classroom and home. I aim to share this love of kids’ books with you and help you grow closer and learn alongside the littles in your life through books and play. Discover the best children’s books and fill your kids' bookshelf!

I value inclusive books that provide windows and mirrors to both my daughter and my students. It is my hope and intent that you see this reflected in the content I share here.

Thank you for joining me here!

Elizabeth aka “The Kid Lit Mama”